
Dental bonding is a cosmetic surgery that improves your smile using tooth-colored composite resin. This treatment can fix chipped teeth, fill in gaps, or alter a tooth’s shape and color. Dental bonding can be completely reversed, unlike other restorative dentistry, like porcelain veneers.

Dental bonding: What is it?

In the bonding procedure, your dentist adds volume to your teeth to change or improve their size, shape, or appearance. The procedure’s name comes from a resin that resembles putty and adheres to your tooth before hardening. It will either match or enhance the appearance of your teeth because the material is typically tooth-colored.

To enhance your comfort throughout the operation, your dentist may numb the afflicted area before introducing the bonding substance. Minimal tooth preparation is done to aid in the retention of composite. The enamel surface is etched, and the bonding agent is applied to the surface before the composite is placed. The illuminating light is used on the resin to strengthen and cure the material. Then finally, the restoration is finished and polished.

When should dental bonding be used?

Your smile can be improved cosmetically with dental bonding. Composite resin in tooth color is used in the treatment to

  • Any tooth chips or cracks should be sealed.
  • To cover up dental stains.
  • Any gaps and holes between your teeth should be filled.
  • Increase the length of your teeth.
  • Alter the appearance of your teeth.

What is the durability of dental bonding?

Your oral hygiene practices and the number of teeth treated are factors that affect how much bonding materials persist. But every three to ten years, the bonding material is needed to be touched up or replaced.

Although you don’t need to do anything special to keep your bonded teeth, you should focus particularly on your oral hygiene and dental health to make sure they last as long as possible.

Following these steps can help you properly take care of your dental bonding:

  • Do not chew on non-food things or ice (such as pens, pencils, and fingernails).
  • Once each day, use floss, a flossing tool, or an interdental brush to clean in between your teeth.
  • Brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes in a gentle manner. Use fluoride-containing, non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush.
  • Consume a balanced diet free of too sweet and acidic foods and drinks.
  • Avoid meals and drinks that stain your teeth to avoid discoloring bonding material.
  • Take action to break the behavior if you brush your teeth or wear a shield.
  • Regularly see a dental professional.

Dental bonding may be desirable if you’re thinking about changing your appearance or repairing a chipped tooth. Keep in mind that a dentist near me can provide specialist advice on alternatives suited to your particular requirements. Now that you know how the process works, how long bonded teeth survive, and how to maintain good oral hygiene, you’re ready for that conversation.