Emergencies are unpredictable, be it general or oral. Are you worried about what to do in case of an oral emergency? It’s recommended seeing your dentist immediately in case of a dental emergency. Generally, dentists keep aside time for emergency dentistry treatments. So, you must have your dentist’s number to contact after office hours. 


Here are some tips that can be effective in an oral emergency until you reach the dentist. 


Knocked-out tooth


This oral situation needs urgent attention. If proper steps are followed within time, there is a high chance of preserving the teeth. 

  • Pick your knocked-out tooth by the crown and do not touch the roots.
  • Gently rinse off the teeth without scrubbing or removing any tissues.
  • If possible, place the tooth gently back into its socket. 
  • Contact your dentist immediately.


Loose tooth, tooth out of alignment


Are you having a loose tooth? Call your dentist immediately for emergency dental treatment. Till you reach your dentist, you can try putting the tooth in its original position without applying much pressure. 


Chipped, cracked or fractured teeth


A chipped tooth that doesn’t hurt is not a part of a dental emergency. In case of a severe fracture or crack, call your dentist immediately and follow the given below tips: 

  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean, warm water.
  • If the fracture is due to any facial trauma, use a cold compress in that area to reduce swelling.
  • To alleviate pain, use acetaminophen.


How to know whether it is a dental emergency?


If you are not sure whether you are experiencing any oral emergency, answer the given questions:

  • Are you bleeding?
  • Are you experiencing excruciating pain?
  • Do you have loose teeth?
  • Have you hit your face and mouth?
  • Are you experiencing swelling in the mouth, gums or facial area?


If any of the questions answer, yes, you might be at the risk of a dental emergency. 


Are you looking for emergency dental care? Visit us at Deluxe Dental and get amazing services for you and your family. We aim at keeping your oral health in its best state.